Is Life At Work Really Better Than In Prison ?
I came accross this article and would like to share it for reading pleasure. Space
- In prison, you spend the majority of your time in an 8 by 10 cell, BUT
- At work, you spend most of your time in a 6 by 8 cubicle
- In prison, you get 3 meals a day and they are FREE, BUT
- At work, you only get a break for 1 meal and you have to pay for it yourself
- In prison, you get time off for good behaviour, BUT
- At work, you get reward for good behaviour with extra works
- In prison, the guard will lock and unlock the doors for you, BUT
- At work, you mucy carry a security tag to unlock and open all the doors yourself
- In prison, you can watch TV and play games, BUT
- At work, you get FIRED for watching TV and playing games
- In prison, you get your own toilet, BUT
- At work, you have to share the toilet with others
- In prison, they allow your family and friends to visit, BUT
- At work, you can't even speak to them
- In prison, all expenses are paid for by taxpayers with no work at all, BUT
- At work, you get to pay all the expenses to go to work and tax is being deducted from the salary to pay for the prisoners' expenses
- In prison, you spend most of your life looking through the bars from inside wanting to get out, BUT
- At work, you spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside the bars
Hmmm... Which One Sounds Better?
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